Concessions continue to be the biggest fundraiser for the music program! We are opening the concession stands for High School Varsity Football games,  the Play and the Musical. Volunteers can help with opening the stand, serving food to customers, cleaning the stand at the end of each activity and assisting with inventory. Any student 7th grade and up or adult can volunteer! All proceeds from the Concession Stand go toward supporting the perspective group of performing arts students. Please take some time and help by volunteering. 


It will be HOT during band camp and after performances at football games. We must keep our band students healthy and hydrated this season. It starts with band camp! Any water left after band camp will be used during the football season.   

Please consider signing up to bring 1 case of water or 1 case of Gatorade to the High School before the first lunch of New Marcher camp. This way, we guarantee every student gets ample fluids to sustain them while marching outside. 


Providing meals for our performing arts students is a large part of how we support them. We need your help to provide these meals. Please click on the button at the right to volunteer your time or service for the meal or meals your student is involved. 

Your help is needed in providing chips, and desserts or helping serve and clean up after the meal. For BAND CAMP meals, we ask that a parent or two coordinate the main course meal for a day and the rest will be covered by donations from either other parents or the Executive Booster Committee.  


Jonathan Alder Music Boosters is hosting our 6th Annual Band Show and we need YOUR help!!  To make this event run smoothly and for our visitors to have a great evening, we will need lots of help! Thank you in advance for the giving of your time and talents!


Jonathan Alder Music Boosters provides chaperones on all away trips. Student and adult safety is our school's top priority. For this purpose, a  volunteer background check is required to be a chaperone. If you do not have a current background check, please Check out the school website at this link to see what you need to do to obtain a volunteer background check. https://www.alder.k12.oh.us/o/jals/page/parent-guardian-resources   Or contact our Music Booster President @ President@jamb-arts.org to get started. 


Sugar Plum Lane is an annual fundraiser for our Choir Department. For this event, families donate homemade cookies and treats. Patrons buy a small, medium, or large box and walk down Sugar Plum Lane for servers to fill their box with their selected goodies. Volunteers are needed to donate goodies and to work the event for the combined JAJHS and JAHS choir Christmas concert on Tuesday December 10, 2024. 

Click on the button to the right for more information and to sign up to help or contact Amy Berger (614) 309-6742 for further information or arrangments. 


You will help with building, painting, cleaning as we build sets. No experience required! Dates are subject to change.

Costume help is needed to gather costumes from what we have back stage, organize when they are delivered from the costume shop and help choose costumes at the costume shop.  Dates are subject to change.